Not a Day Without a Line!

"In spite of everything I shall rise again: I will take up my pencil, which I have forsaken in my great discouragement, and I will go on with my drawing."
--Vincent van Gogh, Letter 136, 24 September 1880.

I try to draw or paint every day. Sometimes I don't make anything that I am especially proud of, as a finished work of art, but to do something, anything,  in the face of nothingness is a heroic act.
Today I did this ink drawing.

I used a Sepia pen from a Pentel Color Brush set. I had not used this pen before and I liked the result.

I think Vincent van Gogh would have loved these pens and would have done amazing things with them.

They are a cross between a brush and a pen and carry various colors of ink: black, grey, and sepia. One of them carries water.

Here is a photo of the pen set:

I still love my hand cut reed pen and bottles of ink, but this set is handy and I cant wait to do some landscapes with them in the woods and along the river.


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